The Power of Social Media

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The Most Honest And Heartbreaking Reason To Leave Your Front Door Unlocked I’ve Ever Heard

It seems fitting that I start this post off in two ways.  Firstly, by apologizing for the lack of posts these last few days – life has just been absolutely crazy!  Secondly, by saying Happy Thanksgiving to any American friends out there – may your weekend be filled with lots of turkey and family!

I came across the video linked above while doing my usual morning creep of Facebook.  This video does not talk about the power of social media, nor does it say anything regarding social media.  However, I decided to post it for it showcases the power that social media holds.  Neil Hilborn is the man talking in the video.  Through spoken word he describes how his extreme OCD has shaped his relationship with his girlfriend.  This heartfelt and heartbreaking video is touching and I urge you to take 3 minutes out of your day to watch it.

Other than being a beautiful spoken word – this video has a powerful and moving message.  However, without social media how many people could have experienced this?  Chances are without social media Neil’s words would not have touched nearly as many.  Now with a Facebook page with over 1.5 million likes, Neil not only has support of millions of people, millions of people have been able to find support.

Sometimes I think it is so easy to analyze all aspects of social media, and for good reason because we can learn so much.  Other times I think it is just better to sit back and take it all in.  We have a world at our fingertips; we can spread our stories, take in others’, and above all we have the ability to reach out to millions of people with a simple click.  As powerful this can be for an organization, it’s a pretty powerful thought for a struggling individual too.