Ready to Rethink Your Social Media Strategy?


10 Surprising Social Media Statistics

These social media statistics may be surprising to some, however to those who are familiar with social media they are likely already well informed.  This article shows that social media is constantly evolving, however it is a powerful tool.  No longer is social media simply a way for marketers to target the younger generation – middle-aged people are now also absorbed in the world of social media.  Children have a social media presence long before they actively participate in social media.

Although, the article states that 93% of marketers are utilizing social media, it also states that many companies have not hired a person to take care of specific areas of social media.  This means that although an organization may have a presence on social media they may not be making the most of the opportunity provided.

As someone interested in social media do these recent statistics surprise you? As someone interested in marketing do you feel you are utilizing all of the advantages that social media offers?  How do you feel that companies can position themselves to take better advantage of social media?

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